Algorithms are now regularly used to decide whether defendants awaiting trial are too dangerous to be released back into the community. In some cases, black defendants are substantially more likely than white defendants to be incorrectly classi ed as high risk. To mitigate such disparities, several techniques have recently been proposed to achieve algorithmic fairness. Here we reformulate algorithmic fairness as constrained optimization: the objective is to maximize public safety while satisfying formal fairness constraints designed to reduce racial disparities. We show that for several past de nitions of fairness, the optimal algorithms that result require detaining defendants above race-speci c risk thresholds. We further show that the optimal unconstrained algorithm requires applying a single, uniform threshold to all defendants. e unconstrained algorithm thus maximizes public safety while also satisfying one important understanding of equality: that all individuals are held to the same standard, irrespective of race. Because the optimal constrained and unconstrained algorithms generally di er, there is tension between improving public safety and satisfying prevailing notions of algorithmic fairness. By examining data from Broward County, Florida, we show that this trade-o can be large in practice. We focus on algorithms for pretrial release decisions, but the principles we discuss apply to other domains, and also to human decision makers carrying out structured decision rules.
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Business processes that involve AI-powered automation have been gaining importance and market share in recent years. These business processes combine the characteristics of classical business process management, goal-driven chatbots, conversational recommendation systems, and robotic process automation. In the new context, prescriptive process monitoring demands innovative approaches. Unfortunately, data logs from these new processes are still not available in the public domain. We describe the main challenges in this new domain and introduce a synthesized dataset that is based on an actual use case of intelligent process automation with chatbot orchestration. Using this dataset, we demonstrate crowd-wisdom and goal-driven approaches to prescriptive process monitoring.
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We present a new pre-trained language model (PLM) for modern Hebrew, termed AlephBERTGimmel, which employs a much larger vocabulary (128K items) than standard Hebrew PLMs before. We perform a contrastive analysis of this model against all previous Hebrew PLMs (mBERT, heBERT, AlephBERT) and assess the effects of larger vocabularies on task performance. Our experiments show that larger vocabularies lead to fewer splits, and that reducing splits is better for model performance, across different tasks. All in all this new model achieves new SOTA on all available Hebrew benchmarks, including Morphological Segmentation, POS Tagging, Full Morphological Analysis, NER, and Sentiment Analysis. Subsequently we advocate for PLMs that are larger not only in terms of number of layers or training data, but also in terms of their vocabulary. We release the new model publicly for unrestricted use.
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随着人们对精神危机及其社会影响的认识,在许多国家,提供紧急支持的在线服务变得司空见惯。接受寻求帮助者和提供者之间讨论的培训的计算模型可以通过识别高危个人来支持预防自杀。但是,缺乏特定领域的模型,尤其是在低资源语言中,对自动检测自杀风险构成了重大挑战。我们提出了一个模型,该模型将预训练的语言模型(PLM)与固定的一组手动制作(并经过临床批准)的自杀提示相结合,然后进行了两阶段的微调过程。我们的模型达到了0.91 ROC-AUC和0.55的F2分数,甚至在对话的早期就表现出了一系列强大的基线,这对于该领域的实时检测至关重要。此外,该模型在性别和年龄段之间表现良好。
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为了追求基于本体本体的查询的通用标准,我们介绍了存在规则的“有限 - 局限性集合”(FCS),这是一种模型定义的规则集类别,灵感来自图形理论的cliquewidth措施。通过一个通用参数,我们表明FCS确保对相当一类的查询类(称为“ Damsoqs”)的必要性进行可决定性,这些查询均包含结合性查询(CQS)。 FCS类适当地概括了有限扩展集(FES)的类别,并且最多可以介绍2个Arity的签名,即有界树的类别(BTS)。对于较高的ARIT,BTS仅由FC通过重新化而间接汇总。尽管FCS的普遍性,但我们提供了一个规则集,该规则集具有可决定的CQ符号(由于一阶 - 剥离性),因此落在FC之外,从而证明了FCS的无与伦比和有限合并集(FUS)的无效性。尽管如此,我们还是表明,如果我们将自己限制在最多2的单头规则设置上,那么FCS属于FUS。
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我们为拉比希伯来语提出了一种新的预训练的语言模型(PLM),称为Berel(Bert bert嵌入了拉比编码的语言)。尽管存在其他PLM用于处理希伯来文本(例如Hebert,Alephbert),但它们都接受了现代希伯来语文本的培训,该文本在其词典,形态学,义学和正学规范方面与犹太人希伯来语有很大的不同。我们通过一组希伯来语同源物来证明贝雷尔在拉比文本上的优越性。我们发布了无限制使用的新模型和同型挑战。
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SIM到现实的转移是机器人增强学习的强大范式。在模拟中训练政策的能力可以以低成本快速探索和大规模数据收集。但是,机器人策略的SIM到现实转移的先前工作通常不涉及任何人类机器人的相互作用,因为准确模拟人类行为是一个空旷的问题。在这项工作中,我们的目标是利用模拟的力量来训练熟练在部署时与人类互动的机器人政策。但是有一个鸡肉和鸡蛋问题 - 我们如何收集人与物理机器人互动的例子,以在模拟中对人类行为进行建模,而没有已经有能够与人相互作用的机器人?我们提出的方法,即迭代-SIM-to-real(I-S2R),试图解决这个问题。 I-S2R引导程序来自一个简单的人类行为模型和在模拟和在现实世界中部署的训练之间的交替。在每次迭代中,人类行为模型和政策都得到了完善。我们在现实世界的机器人乒乓球环境中评估我们的方法,该机器人的目标是尽可能长时间与人类玩家合作。乒乓球是一项高速,充满活力的任务,要求两名球员对彼此的举动迅速做出反应,从而使测试床具有挑战性,以研究人类机器人互动。我们在一个工业机器人手臂上介绍了结果,该机器人能够与人类球员合作打乒乓球,平均获得22次连续击球的集会,充其量只有150个。此外,对于80%的球员来说,与SIM-TO-REAL(S2R)基线相比,拉力长度长70%至175%。有关我们系统中的视频,请参见。
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